5 thoughts on “Country Music”

  1. off topic..but i would just like to say…
    nice update of the sidebar. blue is much nicer than grey.

  2. Now I’m curious about what it was he was suprised people do on Craigslist. I never go to Craigslist, but I understand there are a lot of people there looking to… arrange assignations.

  3. Actually, there is gambling in Jackson Mississippi; though it is “illegal” statewide, they get around this by having gambling on the riverboats and other boats that are in the Mississippi delta.

  4. Craigslist is a scary beast. I have used it for actors who will work for free. Every time, this one woman replies, regardless of her fittingness for the role. She’s never really fit the role for me, actually. She’s a little creepy.

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