Grand Tour of Bored Teenage Food Service Workers

Grand Tour of Bored Teenage Food Service Workers

6 thoughts on “Grand Tour of Bored Teenage Food Service Workers”

  1. Hmm… wouldn’t it be more natural to say “Why does it always cost money to get _to_ Staten Island?”

  2. I have no trouble with _get_ instead of _to_ (get vs. come home or return or whatever). But how come the toll costs more to go to Staten Island than to come back?

  3. It costs more to get to Staten Island from New Jersey than it does to get to Staten Island from Brooklyn. But they never charge you for leaving.

  4. Yes, but if you read the sentence with emphasis on “get,” though not also on “to,” it sounds odd. However, if you read the sentence with emphasis only on “to,” it sounds fine.

    Bridges are often (usually?) tolled only way, the idea being you are going to return through the same bridge, and they charge you for the day’s commute, rather than biting you twice. I think the MTA should adopt this idea with the Subway — charge me only my way _to_ work.

    However, I believe this particular odd tolling with has to do with Staten Island being a pylon for the Verrazano-Goethals.

  5. i think, if i remember correctly from ‘the power broker’, it is by design. the tolls were setup by robert moses to intentionally discourage visitors.

  6. Emphasis on “get” but not “to” is correct, because it’s being distinguished from “return to”. Just for the record.

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