8 thoughts on “Stinks like Real Crab”

  1. You’d think if they had to *make* it, they could at least make it *cooked*

  2. You don’t have to cook it. I like to put it on salads. It makes me feel fancy…

  3. I’ve been reading these for years and when looking at this one, I just had a stunning realization: do you/can you claim all of these purchases for tax exemptions? I mean, it’s not like you didn’t make a book about any of these purchases.

    Frankly, I think that’s a pretty sweet interpretation of the tax law right there. If you haven’t been doing that, you need to get right on it this year.

  4. i like to put imitation crab on top of spaghetti with marinara. it’s also well paired with little bits of fried tofu and a small bowl of peanut or hosin sauce.

  5. it is quite a dilema: on one hand, you could deduct a part of your expenses as a business tax deduction. on the other hand, it’d be pretty hard for us to read the Donation Derby if they threw the book at you. wheres the bad decission dinosaur when you need him?

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