You own a genuine foreign car?? Amazing!! The wheel is on the right side of the car!! How did you ever get it across the big puddle?? Is it an amphibious vehicle? Do you own a genuine foreign amphibious vehicle? THAT’S AWESOME!!
I gassed up yesterday for $1.87/gal. That’s the cheapest it’s been in 4+ years. Good thing, because I have a 2000 mile trip this week.
Hey if it’s cooked a certain way the chicken will give you gas….[crickets chirp]
You own a genuine foreign car?? Amazing!! The wheel is on the right side of the car!! How did you ever get it across the big puddle?? Is it an amphibious vehicle? Do you own a genuine foreign amphibious vehicle? THAT’S AWESOME!!
I gassed up yesterday for $1.87/gal. That’s the cheapest it’s been in 4+ years. Good thing, because I have a 2000 mile trip this week.
Hey if it’s cooked a certain way the chicken will give you gas….[crickets chirp]