I live large on my bread and cheese and remove vegetables and fruit from my diet. A once-yearly bottle of multi-vitamins covers the loss in nutrients. :|
The impurities in your average twelve pack of Schlitz more than account for 3 full day’s serving of grain.
My friend ate nothing but bread and cheese his whole life, and when he turned 26 his cholesterol was 297. “But I don’t eat meat,” he said. “Ever.”
I live large on my bread and cheese and remove vegetables and fruit from my diet.
A once-yearly bottle of multi-vitamins covers the loss in nutrients. :|
I keep an industrial sized bottle of “AARP Pharmacy Services” multivitamins by my computer.
I’ve been kicking around the idea of jumping on the vitamin train and this seals it.
Archaeological graveyard studies have shown that beer can provide significant nourishment.
The impurities in your average twelve pack of Schlitz more than account for 3 full day’s serving of grain.
Paper towel can add a bit of domestic pizazz to any unsafe diet.
My friend ate nothing but bread and cheese his whole life, and when he turned 26 his cholesterol was 297. “But I don’t eat meat,” he said. “Ever.”