8 thoughts on “Foreigners”

  1. …should have showed them you were willing to compromise and just saved half of it.

  2. Weirdly, when I was in Ukraine visiting a Peace Corps friend I shaved my moustache off. For exactly the reasons detailed above.

  3. America may have lost its industrial base, but we still clearly lead the world when it comes to moustache trends.

  4. One of the things I like about Mr. Chen is his lack of compromise.

  5. I’m trimming my beard down to become a member of the Mr. Chen Moustache Club

  6. I was at some art event thing in Bushwick the other day, and this guy walks by with just a really dapper trimmed moustache, and I was like, man, that guy is exactly what I think Mr. Chen probably looks like.
    And then I looked behind the guy and I’m pretty sure Dorothy was there. And I was like, oh, I think that actually IS Mr. Chen. It was the telltale moustache.

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