Sweetie, if you don’t remember a day when Good Times were only visible through the distorted lens of The Future, then you had a High School experience very different from the one that I remember.
But then, this comic strip isn’t really meant to resonate with people who are actually experiencing High School, so I guess it’s probably All Good with the target audience.
I remember reading something that said “history is a record of wars with periods of peace in between.” or something like that. (maybe someone else knows what im talkin about?) that seemed reasonable to me.
The episode of Sunny In Philly “Underage Drinking” deals with this topic as well. as always in a hilarious fashion.
“Do you guys even remember high school? I don’t think it happened the way you think…”
i will say there are definite times where i presently think “im having a good time” and still believe it was a good time years later. like the time i played strip scavenger hunt on a cruise. definitly good times
June 10, 2010
“Even the good times are bad
Soon as I get to you baby
You just gotta hold me, and even the good times are bad.”
June 10, 2010
Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share;
When my woman left home for a brown eyed man,
Well, I still don’t seem to care.
June 10, 2010
June 10, 2010
Sweetie, if you don’t remember a day when Good Times were only visible through the distorted lens of The Future, then you had a High School experience very different from the one that I remember.
But then, this comic strip isn’t really meant to resonate with people who are actually experiencing High School, so I guess it’s probably All Good with the target audience.
June 10, 2010
June 10, 2010
The next time someone asks me what I’m doing, I will respond with “I’m hunting. . .Hunting for good times.”
June 10, 2010
I remember reading something that said “history is a record of wars with periods of peace in between.” or something like that. (maybe someone else knows what im talkin about?) that seemed reasonable to me.
The episode of Sunny In Philly “Underage Drinking” deals with this topic as well. as always in a hilarious fashion.
“Do you guys even remember high school? I don’t think it happened the way you think…”
June 10, 2010
So what if happy is defined by the absence of sad or angry? So what?
June 10, 2010
My everyday life is pretty awesome. I turn the faucet, and clean water comes out. I turn on the internet and I get Cat & Girl.
June 10, 2010
Maybe the comic was constructed by someone who never trully experienced a “good time”?
A thing to ponder…
June 10, 2010
i will say there are definite times where i presently think “im having a good time” and still believe it was a good time years later. like the time i played strip scavenger hunt on a cruise. definitly good times
June 11, 2010
I’ll add to your War/Peace anecdote Hitchcock’s characterisation of Drama as Life with the dull bits cut out.
June 11, 2010
This is oddly sweet. Thanks.
June 13, 2010
Life is mostly dull bits. The Good Life is the peaks, with amnesia during the lulls.
July 12, 2010
This reminds me of a poem by Federico Garcia Lorca, New Songs.
December 23, 2010
Hunting for Good Times in the past is a losing proposition. Sure, they’re easier to find there, but they’re impossible to catch.
April 19, 2011
FINALLY! One I understand! I think
October 13, 2013
Addicted gamblers remember all the wins and forget all the losses. At least, Girl isn’t a gambling addict.