“Hey guys is it just me or does the original inherent worth of the object affect how value is projected onto it?”
*wait for laughs*
“Only if we look through a veil of motives and profit!”
*wild applause, laughter*
Oddly, I’ve been hoping to find some criticism of TV that expresses things like this for awhile… not that it hasn’t probably been said in other ways. But TV really feels like running from the challenge of art, for me. It is to movies or other humanities what family is to exploring the world, or something (?)
But then, “Don’t we hate those people?”…the familiar worlds TV takes us back to are so often just filled with contempt. I still can’t get over how shocked I felt trying to watch “Grey’s Anatomy” on DVD and how all the characters were just so nasty and dismissive of regular people. I kept wondering if my feeling so uncomfortable was some kind of modern feminist success. =-/
Anyways, “Movies end. But television …returns” is a perfect epigram on the subject.
dear ma’am,
i have enjoyed the dialectical relationship of cat and girl, on and off, for years now (and for that i thank you). the idealism of girl, the nihilism of cat – i suppose i haven’t scrutinized it that closely but that’s how i would loosely put it. do you agree or no? is this two sides of a continuous argument unfolding in your brain, or a satire based on a “message”? maybe such summaries are against your principles. are there any essays or interviews where you have put forth your ideas in a more ‘direct’ (less interpretive?) form than the comic?
anyhow, thanks again…
by the way, and i often find myself agreeing with cat; yes, sadly, we do hate those people… the “spectacle” after all consists not merely in what is on the tv screen but in the whole situation that plants us in front of it…
June 2, 2011
Does the original inherent worth of the object affect how value is projected onto it?
June 2, 2011
Only if we look through a veil of motives and profit.
June 2, 2011
“Hey guys is it just me or does the original inherent worth of the object affect how value is projected onto it?”
*wait for laughs*
“Only if we look through a veil of motives and profit!”
*wild applause, laughter*
June 2, 2011
Heh, classic Seinfeld!
June 2, 2011
Cat has gotten so stereotypical since his near-marriage with that English girl.
June 2, 2011
Is this what I am seeing?
Also my employee appreciation gift this year is a coupon for a bagel and cream cheese. It came by interoffice mail.
June 2, 2011
This reminds me of the comics drawn on the backs of Starbucks receipts on Scribs.
Also, who is the Pokey that Cat is sorry for? Gumby’s pony? Is that what “magic horse” means? (Secretly I’m hoping it’s Pokey the Penguin, though…)
June 2, 2011
I want someone to make a TV about the complex relationships involved in my amex agreement.
June 3, 2011
I was initially uncertain as to whether I should read the panels left to right first or top to bottom first. I don’t think it matters though.
June 3, 2011
June 4, 2011
Fascinating. Hope everything’s going well. I like the change in pace of the format.
June 5, 2011
I like the suggestion to read them top to bottom as well as left to right.
June 5, 2011
Oddly, I’ve been hoping to find some criticism of TV that expresses things like this for awhile… not that it hasn’t probably been said in other ways. But TV really feels like running from the challenge of art, for me. It is to movies or other humanities what family is to exploring the world, or something (?)
But then, “Don’t we hate those people?”…the familiar worlds TV takes us back to are so often just filled with contempt. I still can’t get over how shocked I felt trying to watch “Grey’s Anatomy” on DVD and how all the characters were just so nasty and dismissive of regular people. I kept wondering if my feeling so uncomfortable was some kind of modern feminist success. =-/
Anyways, “Movies end. But television …returns” is a perfect epigram on the subject.
June 6, 2011
dear ma’am,
i have enjoyed the dialectical relationship of cat and girl, on and off, for years now (and for that i thank you). the idealism of girl, the nihilism of cat – i suppose i haven’t scrutinized it that closely but that’s how i would loosely put it. do you agree or no? is this two sides of a continuous argument unfolding in your brain, or a satire based on a “message”? maybe such summaries are against your principles. are there any essays or interviews where you have put forth your ideas in a more ‘direct’ (less interpretive?) form than the comic?
anyhow, thanks again…
June 6, 2011
by the way, and i often find myself agreeing with cat; yes, sadly, we do hate those people… the “spectacle” after all consists not merely in what is on the tv screen but in the whole situation that plants us in front of it…
June 6, 2011
i dont hate those people, i wave at them emphatically and they start walking faster
July 17, 2013
I always felt the ongoing story of a series to be kind of a prison. I much prefer a movie. Usually a short movie.