If you assume there is a cultural copyright for something you had no hand in creating. Anything that falls under that assumption is appropriation. Then all you have to do is had draw the boundaries of each culture based on assumptions. Most people use race, even though any race can come from any culture, and we all have the same ancestors anyways.
May 31, 2017
These are great.
May 31, 2017
The lines are going to differ, but I draw it at “are you selling the item or the culture.”
June 2, 2017
If you assume there is a cultural copyright for something you had no hand in creating. Anything that falls under that assumption is appropriation. Then all you have to do is had draw the boundaries of each culture based on assumptions. Most people use race, even though any race can come from any culture, and we all have the same ancestors anyways.
June 5, 2017
Agreed, Ralph.
The concept of cultural appropriation is intellectual propertyism rearing another one of its ugly heads.
June 11, 2017
Wow, can’t believe there’s people with the same view on cultural appropriation! <3 :)