In order to prevent my parents from trying to give me money for Christmas, I’ve already requested the set of posters. Strangely enough, the other two times I’ve gotten Cat and Girl merchandise was also to avoid having my parents give me money for occasion x.
July 14, 2015
♫ Meet the new boss ♪♫ Same as the old boss ♪
July 14, 2015
I hope new and old neighborhood will be sold as posters
July 14, 2015
Heh, gentrification… with Zombies!
July 17, 2015
Do you plan on offering both neighborhoods in a poster format?
August 8, 2015
In order to prevent my parents from trying to give me money for Christmas, I’ve already requested the set of posters. Strangely enough, the other two times I’ve gotten Cat and Girl merchandise was also to avoid having my parents give me money for occasion x.