I love this cartoon! First it is brilliant in two directions at once, which is kind of your trademark. Then it is brilliant in a third direction. Then it ties itself up in a bow. And then I looked up Gavrilo! Thank you.
sometimes I wonder about this. I suspect that if the right fulcrum is located, if the right butterfly can be encouraged to flap its wings at just the right place and time, large positive intentional change (and not just chaos) can be caused by a very few. The masses’ acquiescence to convenience could provide the inertia once the change has started.
July 7, 2020
I love this cartoon! First it is brilliant in two directions at once, which is kind of your trademark. Then it is brilliant in a third direction. Then it ties itself up in a bow. And then I looked up Gavrilo! Thank you.
July 7, 2020
Convenience or Death! Choosing convenience is only adaptive if life is sufficiently hard.
July 8, 2020
Pro tip: If you’re making the powder stuff, mix it with the milk and butter before putting the drained macaroni back in the pot with it.
July 11, 2020
This one made me think harder than most Cat & Girl.
Is easiness really what’s being increased here?
If nothing is difficult, only the difficult will have nothing.
July 14, 2020
sometimes I wonder about this. I suspect that if the right fulcrum is located, if the right butterfly can be encouraged to flap its wings at just the right place and time, large positive intentional change (and not just chaos) can be caused by a very few. The masses’ acquiescence to convenience could provide the inertia once the change has started.