Religious music doesn’t suck. Christian music does. There’s a big difference. Brand New’s The Devil and God are Raging Inside me was a religious album, with clear Christian leanings, but it was certainly not Christian rock. Saying religious music sucks is saying any music with spiritual notions is bad, artistically. That’s just dumb.
@Joshua and M, you really shouldn’t generalize like that. Saying all religious or Christian music “sucks” is like saying all rock music uses guitars or all cookies are baked. Yes, quite OFTEN Christian musicians lack technical skill and/or originality, but there are a respectable number of talented artists out there who should not be discounted because of their song material.
The semiotics of Cat and Girl cartoons intrigue and elude me. That is to say: I wish the real world shared in such excellent layered implicit communication. All is chaos in the real world, though.
There’s a lot of really good classical music that is religiously inspired and themed. Also some pretty decent blues. And then there’s classics like “Amazing Grace”
But I’d be willing to bet that pretty much anything called “Christian Metal” is gonna hit pretty high on the Suck-O-Meter ™
April 10, 2009
I love this :)
April 14, 2009
this is soo funny
April 21, 2009
I don’t care how meaningful it is; religious music sucks.
June 28, 2009
amen to that
July 27, 2009
This might be the funniest Cat & Girl ever. Now I won’t be able to listen to Weezer without singing these lyrics lol
October 4, 2009
I third M’s opinion.
October 27, 2009
I, too, look down on [art] of [origin], even if it’s meaningful. Because it sucks.
December 29, 2009
Haha… Lev I love you. You sir, get a gold star!
February 27, 2010
Religious music doesn’t suck. Christian music does. There’s a big difference. Brand New’s The Devil and God are Raging Inside me was a religious album, with clear Christian leanings, but it was certainly not Christian rock. Saying religious music sucks is saying any music with spiritual notions is bad, artistically. That’s just dumb.
April 6, 2010
@Joshua and M, you really shouldn’t generalize like that. Saying all religious or Christian music “sucks” is like saying all rock music uses guitars or all cookies are baked. Yes, quite OFTEN Christian musicians lack technical skill and/or originality, but there are a respectable number of talented artists out there who should not be discounted because of their song material.
April 13, 2010
The Sweater Song however, remains awesome.
August 17, 2010
The semiotics of Cat and Girl cartoons intrigue and elude me. That is to say: I wish the real world shared in such excellent layered implicit communication. All is chaos in the real world, though.
I didn’t notice about Brand New, either.
October 16, 2010
The grimmest thing about this is the burning marshmallow.
November 18, 2010
but does all rock music bake cookies?
January 2, 2011
the best part is that i think that’s a real song. . .
January 25, 2017
There’s a lot of really good classical music that is religiously inspired and themed. Also some pretty decent blues. And then there’s classics like “Amazing Grace”
But I’d be willing to bet that pretty much anything called “Christian Metal” is gonna hit pretty high on the Suck-O-Meter ™