Sure, you could get sucked under by the low brow. Or you could swim to the point of exhaustion and drown fighting the waves of the high brow. But it’s so much easier to stick around the middle brow. There’s James Cameron movies, and Oprah’s book club, and you can gain ten or twenty pounds without anyone noticing!
As for that ever present taste of stale, warmed-over mediocrity in your mouth, it can be washed away by a constant, soothing stream of self-congratulation.
low brow aspirations can only be cured in one way, the way patriotism and humanism are cured too: ill-paid socially responsible jobs. (volunteering doesn’t count, the emotional return is ostentatious and hours are never damaging)
July 13, 2010
And here I am stuck on the Uni-brow.
July 13, 2010
For some reason this made me think of the Groucho quote: I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
July 13, 2010
I was an English major. I was trained to appreciate subtlety.
I went out into the world, and I was given a subscription to Entertainment Weekly.
I cannot find my way home.
July 13, 2010
I don’t get it but I don’t care and I love it.
July 13, 2010
Cat makes a great Mock Turtle.
July 13, 2010
Sure, you could get sucked under by the low brow. Or you could swim to the point of exhaustion and drown fighting the waves of the high brow. But it’s so much easier to stick around the middle brow. There’s James Cameron movies, and Oprah’s book club, and you can gain ten or twenty pounds without anyone noticing!
As for that ever present taste of stale, warmed-over mediocrity in your mouth, it can be washed away by a constant, soothing stream of self-congratulation.
July 13, 2010
i really would like to send them some skim boards
July 14, 2010
low brow aspirations can only be cured in one way, the way patriotism and humanism are cured too: ill-paid socially responsible jobs. (volunteering doesn’t count, the emotional return is ostentatious and hours are never damaging)
July 14, 2010
@hrarara: not commonly does my prefrontal cortex get directly imprinted like that (thank you).