  • Murine
    July 19, 2016

    OMG! ick. Love the clapping tho.

  • Golux
    July 20, 2016

    OMG, I had this pass through my imagination when hearing this song as a little kid. “He’s got all the squishy little people on his hands, he’s got the squishy people on his hands…”

  • Joanna
    July 29, 2016

    I feel like this when I use plastic or take a car or plane somewhere.

  • Kyle Mac
    October 12, 2017

    When I was a kid I imagined that as an adult I would be driving along and end up running into one of God’s giant fingers because of that song. Then I realized God wouldn’t want to kill anybody so he probably kept his hands in the ocean somewhere.

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