Small Pleasures
  • David Thomsen
    October 23, 2009

    What do novelty ties say? Why does a guy come into my store every day wearing a business suit and Eric Cartman?

  • seann
    October 23, 2009

    ha, the whole time i hoped this was leading to ‘girl’s very serious socks’… that you would then sell!

  • winterwood
    October 23, 2009

    At last, Cat’s behavior indicates some level of awareness that he is indeed a cat. Excellent.

    Am I the only one who has fallen in love with this website’s favicon? It reminds me of the intense concentration on Jeff Goldblum’s face in that internet prank from so many years back.

  • P
    October 23, 2009

    I love the expression of contentment on cat’s face in the last pannel small pleasures are some of the finest things in life!

  • Lukas
    October 23, 2009

    A novelty tie says that you’re not informal enough to just wear a t-shirt, but still uncomfortable with wearing something as formal as a suit. It’s the symbol of those who do things by half-measures, the most mediocre of items of clothing.

  • Ethan
    October 23, 2009

    The more cultured of us show our inner wackiness with suit linings.

  • Bloom
    October 23, 2009

    It’s interesting how wearing articles of clothing signalling “I’m a little wacky once you get to know me” has become a way of adhering to conformity rather than the opposite. Which makes me think there would be some real subversive potential for “very serious” novelty accessories. While going to work sporting a tie adorned with images of Eric Cartman mightn’t be a breach of any but the strictest office dress-code, I doubt the same could be said about a tie, say, reminding us of how brief and uncertain life is, and how every day an entire day of it is irretrievably lost.

  • idkrash
    October 23, 2009

    This made me think of j.r.’s implementation of teeth. I had thought he was just being a weirdo.

  • Krimson
    October 23, 2009

    I’m a lotta wacky, regardless of whether or not you get to know me. Does that give me a reason to wear a whole novelty ensemble?

    Before you answer, I’m going to go put one together and wear it anyway because that is a fantastic idea.

  • Divine Right
    October 23, 2009

    What is the opposite of novelty socks? Regular socks? How boring.

  • Max
    October 23, 2009

    This is another one that can be read as three panel strips from any vatage. Just as awesome. I love it when that happens.

  • DoubleW
    October 23, 2009

    The merchandising opportunity here isn’t socks, but straws.

  • C.
    October 23, 2009

    Divine Right,

    The opposite of novelty socks would be flip-flops.

  • David Thomsen
    October 23, 2009

    I find it odd that so many people spend so much of their time trying to think of ways to financially benefit from new thoughts and ideas…

    I spend a lot of time trying to think how I can benefit creatively from being financial secure.

  • Chris
    October 23, 2009

    Bloom said,”a tie, say, reminding us of how brief and uncertain life is, and how every day an entire day of it is irretrievably lost.”

    that’s what normal ties do.

  • Chris Jones
    October 23, 2009

    It sort of reminds me of when I try to talk to people about music-I get all angry and serious and the other person is just happy to be listening to what they like and then I feel like a creep. It pretty much looks like Cat and Girl on the last panel.

  • Nny
    October 25, 2009

    novelty socks are ok. if your clothes happen to give off the message, im a little wacky once you get to know me, whats wrong with that? but then i think thats Cat’s point…

  • Kid Eponym
    October 25, 2009

    Well, if the person actually is a little wacky when you get to know them, Novelty Socks are acceptable.

    If the person is wearing Novelty Socks aspirationally, however. If they endeavor to create the impression that they’re a little wacky when you get to know them…

  • M
    October 25, 2009

    Ooh pick me pick me! I’m wacky!

    Pick me!

  • Marianne
    October 25, 2009

    Some people just have regular socks. :(

  • PostsYouCanDanceTo
    October 26, 2009

    Some people remember when they wore rainbow-striped toe socks with flip flops everyday to show how wacky and unlike everyone else they were in high school, and now wear shirts and ties with a vest everyday because they’ve gone from pathetically trying to appear artsy and “anti-mainstream” to being their true bourgeois self.

    Wonder what girl would say to that.

  • Kaila
    October 26, 2009

    has it already been put forth that there needs to be Cat and Girl novelty socks? Because there REALLY needs to be Cat and Girl novelty socks.

  • rocketbride
    October 26, 2009

    teeth are not always appropriate. ask how many people laugh when i make jokes about my abortion. answer: zero. even if they’re funny.

  • rocketbride
    October 26, 2009

    also: has anyone else thought that the reason cat wears novelty socks is because of the picture of the ancestor cat in the formal suit behind him?

    “you’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older.” – a band that is called wacky but is really just humourous.

  • AndyL
    October 26, 2009

    I gotta get a pair of wacky socks.

    Or perhaps simply a T-Shirt that says “I am a little wacky once you get to know me” in white letters on a black background.

  • Nny
    October 26, 2009

    What do rainbow socks that also fit over your individual toes say about a person? iv seen em.

    @rocketbride: i really want to hear your jokes. the funny ones anyway.

  • Redneck
    October 26, 2009

    The three panel strips from 1 diagonal and 2 down are the same with different endings.

    I like 2 down better.

  • Erika
    October 26, 2009

    Do Cat’s socks say “Cat” on them? All I can see clearly is the “A.” Maybe they’re scarlet-letter socks…

    Actually, I used to have a hoodie that I called my Scarlet Letter Jacket. I went to Augsburg College in Minneapolis, and their logo is a big “A” in a dark maroon color. That was honestly the only reason I ever bought any college attire from them.

  • Chris Kuan
    October 28, 2009


    TMBG aren’t called “wacky”; they’re called “quirky”.

  • rocketbride
    October 28, 2009

    @chris kuan

    granted, they’re not all top flight sources, but…

    @nny there’s a lengthy set up involved…

  • Chris Kuan
    October 29, 2009

    What’s wrong with those people?! We’ve build up a store of righteous fan indignation about TMBG being called “quirky” for decades, and now they want to change the playing field…

    Rainbow toe socks remind me of a dear friend, so I get warm fuzzies from them in more ways than one.

  • Chuck Berry
    March 2, 2010

    Top row, right to left. Best comic ever.

  • flake
    September 28, 2010

    Straws…? Do…do they grasp at them!??

  • 1SpacyHammond
    February 16, 2011

    My novelty socks say, “ha ha!” I have found a way to fit the office dress code without shaving my legs!”

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