why’d she have to go to so many different doctors for that?
Joseph Beuys?
I like how the second doctor looks sick too. Banana must be contagious.
Yep, Joseph Beuys, specifically http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wie_man_dem_toten_Hasen_die_Bilder_erklärt
HA!! A hilarious twist on an old classic!
It’s one of the moon men from Mars!
Paging Dr. Vampire Ranger Zombie Joseph Beuys Grrl Harvey? WTF is that? (ref: Andy) Cat
The Moon-Men of Mars had visited earth in 2000 (http://catandgirl.com/?p=1566). They returned in 2009 (http://catandgirl.com/?p=2066).
That so needs a rim shot!
I don’t know which would make a better doctor: a dead rabbit that has gotten a lecture on art, or a live anthropomorphic rabbit with a stethoscope.
Well, okay, when I put it that way, the latter seems a somewhat better choice. Still, he, like all the others, can only diagnose her with “Banana.”
Is Moon-Men of Mars meant to be ironical, or are we assumed to know that Mars has two moons?
The Moon-Men of Mars also appear in http://catandgirl.com/?p=1552
January 12, 2010
why’d she have to go to so many different doctors for that?
January 12, 2010
Joseph Beuys?
January 12, 2010
I like how the second doctor looks sick too. Banana must be contagious.
January 12, 2010
Yep, Joseph Beuys, specifically http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wie_man_dem_toten_Hasen_die_Bilder_erklärt
January 12, 2010
HA!! A hilarious twist on an old classic!
January 12, 2010
It’s one of the moon men from Mars!
January 12, 2010
Paging Dr.
Zombie Joseph Beuys
WTF is that? (ref: Andy)
January 12, 2010
The Moon-Men of Mars had visited earth in 2000 (http://catandgirl.com/?p=1566). They returned in 2009 (http://catandgirl.com/?p=2066).
January 12, 2010
That so needs a rim shot!
January 13, 2010
I don’t know which would make a better doctor: a dead rabbit that has gotten a lecture on art, or a live anthropomorphic rabbit with a stethoscope.
Well, okay, when I put it that way, the latter seems a somewhat better choice. Still, he, like all the others, can only diagnose her with “Banana.”
January 13, 2010
Is Moon-Men of Mars meant to be ironical, or are we assumed to know that Mars has two moons?
January 14, 2010
The Moon-Men of Mars also appear in http://catandgirl.com/?p=1552