This reminded me of a sort story by Stanislaw Lem about a scientifically interested man who tried different methods of artificial evolution – self replicating machines, self replicating machines who act together as a group and… well, two chemical mixtures.
The last one was greatly successfull, they even communicated with each other. To further their progress he tried to hinder their communication with ever new methods and they always found a way around it. The rest is some kind of horror story youshould read for yourself.
It’s one of the last Ijon Tichy stories.
May 24, 2012
Poor guy. It’s tough, being spaghetti once. Not as tough as being it twice though.
May 24, 2012
Cuter than the strips been in years. Love the smart stuff, but cute every once in awhile is welcome.
May 24, 2012
If everybody brought their moldy leftovers I bet that fair is pretty foul.
May 29, 2012
This reminded me of a sort story by Stanislaw Lem about a scientifically interested man who tried different methods of artificial evolution – self replicating machines, self replicating machines who act together as a group and… well, two chemical mixtures.
The last one was greatly successfull, they even communicated with each other. To further their progress he tried to hinder their communication with ever new methods and they always found a way around it. The rest is some kind of horror story youshould read for yourself.
It’s one of the last Ijon Tichy stories.
October 20, 2013
If we’re to believe Douglas Adams, gods are born from moldy refrigerators.