Can you send me a villanelle by female poets in this era circa 2000-2008.
I can’t remember her name but her poem is known-well and it is for use in analyzing poet.
I study English literature and last week my lecturer gave us an example of villanelle.
Please give me the poem of villanelle by female poets of this era.
If I’m not mistaken one of the villanelles that my lecturer gave as examples was using this sentence ‘this is the game that I don’t want to play,..’ , etc..
Please send me that poem and the analyzed review of the poem.
If I end up running a café I will sell poetic sandwiches. I will sell Villanelles and Elegies and Sonnets (Shakespearian and Petrarchan), Epics with rhyming or heroic couplet, and General Verse with your choice of Free, Alexandrine, Quartet or Trochaic Pentameter.
I can’t afford to own a café.
I can’t tell whether it’s just the line “Above this tower one judgmental eye” plus the “lie” rhyme at the end, but I keep thinking this poem refers to back to something in the Lord of the Rings.
In Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the first piece of Stephen Dedalous’s art that the reader gets to see is “Villanelle of the Temptress,” which is mostly about the Virgin/whore paradigm. Septi, it’s been aear and a half now – did you get your homework done?
There once was a cat at a rest’rant
who couldn’t decide what to want
so he said “what the hell?
I’ll have the villanelle!”
And I don’t know what to write for the last line of the limrick
March 5, 2009
Best villanelle in the English language after – “Do not go gently into that good night”
May 28, 2009
Can you send me a villanelle by female poets in this era circa 2000-2008.
I can’t remember her name but her poem is known-well and it is for use in analyzing poet.
I study English literature and last week my lecturer gave us an example of villanelle.
Please give me the poem of villanelle by female poets of this era.
Best regards,
May 28, 2009
If I’m not mistaken one of the villanelles that my lecturer gave as examples was using this sentence ‘this is the game that I don’t want to play,..’ , etc..
Please send me that poem and the analyzed review of the poem.
Best regards,
August 13, 2009
I can’t tell whether that’s spam, or whether someone would really be that barefaced and lazy.
In other news, this is definitely one of the best examples of that form ever! But now I’m hungry.
August 24, 2009
If it is spam, it’s the most ineffective I’ve ever come across, but I’m inclined to think that there are people that lazy out there.
Anyway, I love this one.
September 13, 2009
I love this poetic form. And I love this installment. ^-^ Some oddball cafe should start selling Villanelle sandwiches.
But now I want to know what goes on the Sestina. . . .
September 28, 2009
If I end up running a café I will sell poetic sandwiches. I will sell Villanelles and Elegies and Sonnets (Shakespearian and Petrarchan), Epics with rhyming or heroic couplet, and General Verse with your choice of Free, Alexandrine, Quartet or Trochaic Pentameter.
I can’t afford to own a café.
December 13, 2009
My first thought after “This strip is fucking genius” was probably “That sandwich would be fucking huge”. Aren’t I insightful?
December 30, 2009
Oh yeah, this comic lead to a month long obsession with villanelles for me. After which I still hadn’t managed to write one.
I never even worked out a satisfactory haiku about villanelles.
It was a terrible time, for me.
September 12, 2010
I can’t tell whether it’s just the line “Above this tower one judgmental eye” plus the “lie” rhyme at the end, but I keep thinking this poem refers to back to something in the Lord of the Rings.
October 29, 2010
Genius. I’m going to go make one right now.
February 3, 2011
In Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the first piece of Stephen Dedalous’s art that the reader gets to see is “Villanelle of the Temptress,” which is mostly about the Virgin/whore paradigm. Septi, it’s been aear and a half now – did you get your homework done?
July 9, 2011
That doesn’t sound like it would taste very good…
October 27, 2011
My name’s Octi, and
can you please haiku
for my spring homework?
Somewhere someone wrote
one about plum blossoms on
a butterfly tree.
A tummy full of
bean sprouts from a tall sandwich
make Cat so sleepy,
And Girl’s winter
of discontent complements
his zen-like aplomb.
January 31, 2012
Slowly the sandwich the whole bloodstream fills
The crust remains, the crust remains and kills
February 3, 2017
There once was a cat at a rest’rant
who couldn’t decide what to want
so he said “what the hell?
I’ll have the villanelle!”
And I don’t know what to write for the last line of the limrick
May 16, 2018
Is it whole wheat or is it rye? It can’t very well be both as they are entirely different grains.
September 5, 2019
Here I am again in the late summer of 2019 because I never get over how much I love this. Thank you.
September 16, 2019
Thank you!
But in 2019 the Villanelle should be a sandwich whose items are arranged according to the rhyme scheme.
Limerick: Bread, bread, cold cut, cold cut, bread.