Real Answers
  • tubejay
    May 23, 2009

    “most exploitative ‘holiday’ ever” day…

  • Joshua
    November 12, 2009

    I remember that day, but every eleventh of September afterwords has resulted in a completely lack of excitement compared to the original. At least they burn shit in Britain on November 5th.

  • Bakhtin
    January 20, 2010

    Difference being we in Britain actually stopped the terrorists before they could carry out the attack.

  • The Prolific Mr. Anonymous
    January 23, 2010

    Low blow, Bakhtin. Low blow.

  • Sordatos
    March 3, 2010

    Its curious how US try and try to make that day an world wide “holiday”, but they fail..

    A huge amount of people( and far more than inf 9/11)dies everyfay at the hands of dictator and terrorist in Africa, does US helps or cares? NO

  • Fren
    June 3, 2010

    That’s one thing I’ve never quite understood. One on hand, everyone wants the US to stay out of their business. On the other, everyone complains if we don’t do something to help. Anyone else sending shitpiles of aid into the African continent lately?

  • Samuel
    June 10, 2010

    My calculator comes up with .82

  • Howlin' Hobbit
    July 30, 2010

    mine gives me 0.818181818. yours rounded properly, Cat’s didn’t.

    and Fren, I hear you on that one.

  • M
    August 29, 2010

    Actually, Cat’s isn’t rounded at all. The line above the numbers means that it’s a repeating decimal.

  • Rani
    September 9, 2010

    People want the US to help because many of the problems ailing the world are as a direct result of their actions. what everyone wants is for the US to clean up its mess and go home. NOW.

  • ShadowKeiichi
    November 21, 2010

    boo hoo. thats more than 200 years of shit to clean up. blame our ancestors and leave me alone. i did nothing.

  • Atropos
    December 20, 2010

    The real issue is that when the US goes in to try to help a country, they don’t do enough. They help to kill a bunch of people (terrorists, communists, etc.), are involved in a lot of destruction in that country, and then they just go home. If the US government actually cared about helping these places, then they’d devote resources to rebuilding, not just killing the bad guys.

  • Trillianapher
    January 2, 2011

    I think the bar above 0.81 suggests that it’s a repeating decimal ;)

  • Trillianapher
    January 2, 2011

    @ M sorry, overlooked your post.

  • Dante Wynter
    January 20, 2011

    Seven-Eleven anniversary is actually 7/11. Really. (Or .63 with a line over it.)

  • Marvin
    June 18, 2013

    I want a ‘Never forget: 7/11’ T-shirt ;(

  • Johnny Austin
    February 5, 2019

    The thought occured to me that 30+ years worth of pigeon poop in various crevasses and service ducts is a whole lot of white phosphorus just waiting to be ignited by… oh, I dunno… a bunch of burning jet fuel…

    Or maybe the 1993 bombing was a failed attempt to trigger a fail safe system of thermite any responsible engineer would put in a bunch of giant towers stacked up like dominoes just waiting to be knocked into each other if one fell sideways for any reason.

    The first is possible, the second would account for the lack of public investigation into the collapse.

    Can’t have everyone knowing Manhattan is rigged to explode just in case…

    Is there a prize for explaining Brexit?
    I can do that.

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