My phone company screwed up quite royally with my mobile bill, once upon a time, and gave me an iPhone as apologetic compensation. Given that my phone at the time was several years old, I was more than happy to accept.
I wasn’t aware at the time of the social stigma behind them, but was soon educated. Where I would once pull out my clunky little brick to check my e-mail sporadically on the cross town bus to no regard, I was now doing the exact same actions on a different device, and receiving open glares and scoffs, as though how /dare/ I own such a fanciful gadget and use it for one of its intended purposes. They’re very good phones, and not nearly so fragile as is implied by many if you get a decent case to protect it from life’s little knocks.
In the end, I’ve found buckets more pretension from the anti-iPhone crowd than I have from iPhone owners. I don’t deny that the pretentious fucks who dream of taking an Apple brand time machine back to the late 80’s so they can blow Steve Jobs do indeed exist, but scorn by association is folly.
October 28, 2010
WHY are they so bad.
February 28, 2011
They are representative of a perception of popular culture as shallow, needful, and mindless.
This perception isn’t necessarily wrong, but it is usually self-righteous.
June 16, 2014
My phone company screwed up quite royally with my mobile bill, once upon a time, and gave me an iPhone as apologetic compensation. Given that my phone at the time was several years old, I was more than happy to accept.
I wasn’t aware at the time of the social stigma behind them, but was soon educated. Where I would once pull out my clunky little brick to check my e-mail sporadically on the cross town bus to no regard, I was now doing the exact same actions on a different device, and receiving open glares and scoffs, as though how /dare/ I own such a fanciful gadget and use it for one of its intended purposes. They’re very good phones, and not nearly so fragile as is implied by many if you get a decent case to protect it from life’s little knocks.
In the end, I’ve found buckets more pretension from the anti-iPhone crowd than I have from iPhone owners. I don’t deny that the pretentious fucks who dream of taking an Apple brand time machine back to the late 80’s so they can blow Steve Jobs do indeed exist, but scorn by association is folly.