I have a BA in English and a MS in Library Science. Both have been very handy in my stay-at-home dad duties of child-chauffeuring, dish-washing and laundry-folding. I am raising the next generation of over-educated malcontents.
i didn’t major in grudge-holding, i apprenticed in it with various members of my family. more proof that cat is an ivory-tower dilettante, the kind i aspire to be.
For me Cat is talking like Girl normally does and vice versa. Cat seems to do this sometimes and I usually think it’s arbitrary. Some desserts are just desserts. Who do you think Girl is suggesting Cat talk to?
@doubleW: i’m pretty sure my mom has an opening; she’s really angry at me right now and looking for help in developing it into an award-winning grudge. time for a small business loan.
December 3, 2009
You know, a lot of these go over my head and I lose the humour in it. But this one was just simple enough for a dumb person like me to understand.
December 3, 2009
I have a BA in English and a MS in Library Science. Both have been very handy in my stay-at-home dad duties of child-chauffeuring, dish-washing and laundry-folding. I am raising the next generation of over-educated malcontents.
December 3, 2009
diabetes is a good price. and i agree, im pretty dumb, too. some of these are just beyond me, i guess.
December 3, 2009
I think I’m insulted by the “Degree in Communications” thing since I– No, wait, I have a degree in TELEcommunications.
That’s very different.
December 3, 2009
I, too, majored in Arbitrary Grudge Holding with a specialization in Passive-Aggressive Posturing.
December 3, 2009
i didn’t major in grudge-holding, i apprenticed in it with various members of my family. more proof that cat is an ivory-tower dilettante, the kind i aspire to be.
December 3, 2009
Been Undecided and underfunded for years now. Any openings for an another apprentice, rocketbride?
December 3, 2009
And I spent all these years studying systematic grudge holding, for nothing!
December 3, 2009
For me Cat is talking like Girl normally does and vice versa. Cat seems to do this sometimes and I usually think it’s arbitrary. Some desserts are just desserts. Who do you think Girl is suggesting Cat talk to?
December 4, 2009
i just realized how stupid i am. or sound or something.
December 4, 2009
It’s okay, on the internet no one cares if you’re stupid, or sound stupid. It’s like a drop in the ocean. At least you’re self aware.
December 7, 2009
You’re self aware? I’m so jealous.
December 8, 2009
i could read, spell and do basic maths before i got to school. so what did i learn at school – typing!
December 8, 2009
@doubleW: i’m pretty sure my mom has an opening; she’s really angry at me right now and looking for help in developing it into an award-winning grudge. time for a small business loan.
April 7, 2012
Everything has a price. “Authentic expression of self” is at least a quarter.
December 11, 2012
I think that everybody should just write a book about it, get on the NY Times best-seller list, and live in self-indulgent luxury.