INVESTMENT ADVICE / Girl: Nothing people buy because one day it will be worth money is ever worth money. Cat: Buy ROSEBUD / Girl: Speculation built on speculation can fall apart at any moment. Cat: People will pay TOP DOLLAR to replace their Rosebud. / Girl: REAL value is in the simulation of things that can’t be bought / Girl: The sneakers the guitar the Pokemon card you couldn’t afford when you were a kid playing basketball playing music playing Pokemon - now OWNED - DISPLAYED Cat: I’ve seen the best toys of my generation - left in the packaging - made into decor / Cat: And the more money you have Girl: Are baseball cards still worth money once the people to whom they represented childhood have passed on? Are comic books? / Cat: - the more things money will promise you - childhood - youth - happiness - respect - Girl: Or does it just keep moving - one Rosebud after the next / Girl: The Rosebud economy. Cat: Before you know it you’ve bought Twitter!
  • Rae
    August 21, 2024

    Deepest one in a while, Dorothy, thank you.

    Reminds me of the Cat and Girls I read growing up, one could say ;)

  • Otto
    August 31, 2024

    I remember reading a collector complaining how he has a nice collection of toys of his childhood, but now when he would like to sell the stuff, no one is buying because the next generation of collectors is no longer interested in his stuff.

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