In Time
  • alecho
    January 2, 2009

    aw~ I wish you weren’t dead~ ;)

  • dennis
    January 2, 2009

    “Lonely as an Italian feminist” is a great line.

  • Oliver
    January 2, 2009

    “Lonely as an Italian feminist” is already my line of oh-9.Did you know that “oh nine” sounds like “oh no” in German? Perfect. So Happy New Year to all of you, and be sure to look up When The Comet Cometh.

  • Gareth
    January 2, 2009

    Comet? What comet?!!
    Oh no~! Is there a comet coming?
    Why didnt anyone tell me?


  • Syckls
    January 3, 2009

    “I wish I was dead and everyone who had ever met me was dead too.” This sounds suspiciously like the plot of Monster…

  • Rupert Dogstein
    January 5, 2009

    Best new line of the year.

  • InTheShadowOfTheTaj
    January 5, 2009

    The Italian one, or the murderous one? You have left yourself a dangerous amount of ambiguity, good sir.

  • Brendan
    January 5, 2009

    Yeah I’m having that kind of day too.

  • norritt
    January 9, 2009

    I’m putting it on my gravestone.

  • Sev
    February 19, 2009

    Now I know how to explain my “Future Corpses of America” hoodie to the hoi polloi.

  • Sev
    February 19, 2009

    Why does Girl look so cross? Can’t he have any cake?

  • M
    April 21, 2009

    A comet? Seriously, what on earth?

  • Dreaming Pixel
    October 16, 2009

    “It is sweet to keep our thoughts out of the range of hurt…”

  • J
    December 18, 2010

    I am an Italian feminist! I’m not lonely though.

  • Kitty
    August 1, 2012

    I don’t understand how an a Italina feminist can be loneley. Cat you leave yourself quite a bit of ambiguity.

  • greg
    March 3, 2017

    The idea is that the country of Italy is filled with chauvinists. Which is a gross generalization, but also true.

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