Holy Orders
  • Roberta Mann
    August 6, 2010

    Primal fear and mass hallucination = gods?

  • EG
    August 6, 2010


  • Joshua
    August 6, 2010

    birth defect = cyclops?

  • BigNorse
    August 6, 2010

    Positivist cat is positivist.

  • Max
    August 6, 2010

    collective consciousness and mass culture are things that I’ve had long, drunken conversations about in the “good, old days.” I have to imagine that the entire time it the question in the final panel that we were trying to figure out, or even just to ask. Thanks, Dorothy. Hooray Comics!

  • Jacob Adam
    August 6, 2010

    re: “Why did we do such a bad job?”, it’s a clear cut case of design by committee. It’s the only way to get sufficient scale, but it can never yield greatness.

  • Eric
    August 6, 2010

    re: “Why did we do such a bad job?”

    Bad pay, degrading atmosphere, mismanagement from supervisors who weren’t properly trained and meant to get around to reading self-help management technique books but never did. Also, we were eager to get to lunch ASAP.

  • James
    August 6, 2010

    I really enjoy your comics. Thanks, Dorothy.

  • Gertrude Stein
    August 6, 2010

    A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose, is a rose.

  • Pablo
    August 6, 2010

    Your eyes are different shapes and your nose is a yacht.

  • Nestor
    August 7, 2010

    see Heidegger’s ‘The Origin of the Work of Art’ for discussion on the ‘thingness’ (the thing-being) of the thing.

  • Severn
    August 7, 2010

    Girl is taking credit for Dorothy’s work.

  • Andrew
    August 7, 2010

    Whoa, wait a second. “A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” = “a rose”?


    “Whoa, wait a second. ‘A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose’ = ‘a rose’?” = “a rose”?

  • BenK
    August 8, 2010

    Valences. They’re working with different valences. Yep. I’m sure that will solve it… except… we still get back to Cat’s questions, this time on multiple levels.

  • Major English
    August 10, 2010

    as Uncle Kant used to say, we produce reality and therefore what things are are indeed what we bring to them because it is impossible to experience them as “unthinged things” therefore, everything exists within the context of our thought. Except pankacakes. Pancakes and absinthe can be experienced directly and without the context produced by the processes of our minds. GOOD DAY SIRS

  • Marianne
    August 11, 2010

    Everything is okay.

  • Liz Jean
    August 18, 2010

    Everything is nothing is everything is nothing is everything is nothing until it is observed.


  • Yamara
    August 19, 2010

    Gods are like time travelers. Throw them a party!

  • Jacob Russell
    September 1, 2010

    Cat tries to explain Object Oriented Ontology to a relationist

  • Niha
    September 24, 2010

    Indeed, Cat. Why?

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