There are these billboards on the subway here that have subversive messages on them; they’re numbered & supposedly there’s dozens of them, but the ones I’ve seen were all just a variant of “throw away your wallet and start a new life.”
Ha, “cat” is a number now. Hmm… *checks phone keypad* does that mean his phone number starts with 228? That means he lives on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi…. *plans a trip*
I took it as Girl second-guessing and checking up on her “new” contact by googling him. Presumably this leads to the discovery of certain character flaws, leading to the situation in the first panel.
March 22, 2011
This is apropos as shit for me, but I hope we can still be friends.
March 22, 2011
okay. i will.
March 22, 2011
I was wondering where to book my flight to China! Thanks.
March 22, 2011
There are these billboards on the subway here that have subversive messages on them; they’re numbered & supposedly there’s dozens of them, but the ones I’ve seen were all just a variant of “throw away your wallet and start a new life.”
March 23, 2011
Ha, “cat” is a number now. Hmm… *checks phone keypad* does that mean his phone number starts with 228? That means he lives on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi…. *plans a trip*
March 23, 2011
Might have well said many of these to friends before I moved near El Paso in ’99
March 23, 2011
What’s wrong with El Paso?
March 23, 2011
Technologies always evolve in part because the people who use them always subvert their original “design,” perhaps accidently.
March 24, 2011
Girl is googling Cat later, lonely and pining?
April 4, 2011
I took it as Girl second-guessing and checking up on her “new” contact by googling him. Presumably this leads to the discovery of certain character flaws, leading to the situation in the first panel.