Ouch! Yeah, elephantschild, I came here hoping that it would turn out to be some joke I just didn’t get. Maybe it still is. Anyway… not that I’m a grammar nazi, but I AM an EFL teacher.
Question unrelated to today’s comic: Does anyone know whether or not the ‘mauvais dinosaur de decision’ shirt is a knock at Proust?
Given Cat and Girl’s reiterated disgust for ISOLT, the use of French, reference to Paris, and the Albertine-like portrayal of BDD I’ve always thought it was, but also could just be reading way too much into that…
This comic speaks to a lunchtime realization had recently– all culture is repetitive and somewhat derivative; the only reason that our culture (by which I mean the post-dot com West) feels keenly aware of and generally disheartened by this mimetic process is because the people we’re emulating are still alive to tell us so.
November 18, 2010
Second-to-last pane/pain particularly poignant for an internet addict. :(
November 18, 2010
At least we’ve lost our fear of outsiders. Now we give them our credit card numbers in exchange for bits and bobs made by tiny fingers.
November 18, 2010
“its’?” Does anyone else see that wayward apostrophe in panel 5?
November 18, 2010
Ouch! Yeah, elephantschild, I came here hoping that it would turn out to be some joke I just didn’t get. Maybe it still is. Anyway… not that I’m a grammar nazi, but I AM an EFL teacher.
November 18, 2010
Sorry, stopped reading when I saw the Cheerwine reference and got giddy.
November 18, 2010
no, elephantschild, you are not the only one who saw that. that is one of the worst grammatical offences ever….
*shudders slightly*
November 18, 2010
Cheerwine is it like a big red?
November 18, 2010
Cheerwine is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful cherry soda.
…they are trying way too hard to be hip since the last time I checked their website.
November 18, 2010
We still don’t like outsiders, but the outsiders are in a different time instead of a different place. Generational angst.
November 18, 2010
November 18, 2010
Question unrelated to today’s comic: Does anyone know whether or not the ‘mauvais dinosaur de decision’ shirt is a knock at Proust?
Given Cat and Girl’s reiterated disgust for ISOLT, the use of French, reference to Paris, and the Albertine-like portrayal of BDD I’ve always thought it was, but also could just be reading way too much into that…
November 18, 2010
Ummm, elephantschild,
* ITS, the possessive adjective and possessive pronoun form of the personal pronoun it
* IT’S, a contraction of it is or it has
one of the many English grammar exceptions.
November 18, 2010
This comic speaks to a lunchtime realization had recently– all culture is repetitive and somewhat derivative; the only reason that our culture (by which I mean the post-dot com West) feels keenly aware of and generally disheartened by this mimetic process is because the people we’re emulating are still alive to tell us so.
November 19, 2010
I really like the idea that we regain the variety that is lost due to global monoculture, via an increased variety through time. :)
November 19, 2010
Is a whoopie pie like a whoopie cushion– you don’t want to sit on it? Oh wait, that’s pretty much any pie.
November 19, 2010
nostalgia seems to inform everything doesn’t it? little disheartening if you ask me.
November 19, 2010
a pair o’ pedantic peripedantics.
November 20, 2010
I live where whoopie pies come from! finally a cat and girl that appeals to my narrow and provincial understandings rather than to someone else’s
November 23, 2010
I like to dip my xenophobia fries into my xenophobia shake.
December 6, 2010
Cheerwine is like carbonated cherry cough syrup.
I come from the town where it was invented and grew up drinking it by the gallon.
January 14, 2012
thick fog of nostalgia, ahoy!
October 27, 2013
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