“Comics” were originally invented as part of an elaborate scheme by the paper industry to pad out newspapers so they would contain more pulp- adopted because they were found more cost-effective than fake classified ads. No one was actually supposed to *read* the damned things.
November 19, 2013
Sandwitches were designed to get you to the beach.
November 19, 2013
Kittens were developed by the social media giants.
November 19, 2013
I thought language was invented so that we could win arguments.
November 19, 2013
I take it everyone has seen the proof about Winston Churchill:
http://youtu.be/IcG2t_idcTA (NSFW).
November 19, 2013
We have found the conspiracy and he is us?
November 20, 2013
“Comics” were originally invented as part of an elaborate scheme by the paper industry to pad out newspapers so they would contain more pulp- adopted because they were found more cost-effective than fake classified ads. No one was actually supposed to *read* the damned things.
November 20, 2013
The enemy is us, but it’s also Big Soup.
December 21, 2014