The bit in quotes was supposed to read “Cat and Girl [verb],” except with angle brackets instead of straight ones, but I guess the Internet thought I was trying to invade with straight HTML like some pedestrian prole. Whatever.
Usually I can understand C&G cartoons after a couple of Google searches [“checkov” & “gun” –> “Showing results for chekhov & gun”] and pretend that I actually got the joke when I read it, but that method has failed me today.
Maybe it’s because I’m too invested in pro-wrestling and am over thinking its significance in this strip.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why have I never seen Cat’s favorite tag team on the telly? Any group of professional wrestlers that takes out Proust in the middle of a match (and probably in the middle of a bunch of broken glass) is totally worth watching! I mean, that is certainly everybrow entertainment!
After he died, Proust’s organs were stolen by Harvard graduate students for use in a study about whether poetic genius is genetic or transmitted by a particular genus of miniature fiddler crabs that live in your brain.
June 17, 2010
Girl’s Antennae are getting out of control!
June 17, 2010
How often does Girl get shocked out of a rant once she’s got a head of steam going? Not very, I think.
(Was that a mixed metaphor?)
June 17, 2010
I really do love it when a title takes the form “Cat and Girl “.
June 17, 2010
The bit in quotes was supposed to read “Cat and Girl [verb],” except with angle brackets instead of straight ones, but I guess the Internet thought I was trying to invade with straight HTML like some pedestrian prole. Whatever.
June 17, 2010
Have I mentioned how very much I love this comic? I have now.
June 17, 2010
Best Cat side-rant ever.
June 17, 2010
@DUNG – she is looking a little like Astroboy. it’s her unsplit ends.
June 17, 2010
Dear god, it’s like a subtle subversion of Girls usual rants.
June 17, 2010
I don’t get what this is getting at.
That even if you may think that “high brow” is better, in practice it’s worse?
Ugh. C&G make me think too much.
June 17, 2010
Usually I can understand C&G cartoons after a couple of Google searches [“checkov” & “gun” –> “Showing results for chekhov & gun”] and pretend that I actually got the joke when I read it, but that method has failed me today.
Maybe it’s because I’m too invested in pro-wrestling and am over thinking its significance in this strip.
Or maybe I’m really as dumb as grandma said.
— MrJM
June 17, 2010
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why have I never seen Cat’s favorite tag team on the telly? Any group of professional wrestlers that takes out Proust in the middle of a match (and probably in the middle of a bunch of broken glass) is totally worth watching! I mean, that is certainly everybrow entertainment!
June 18, 2010
After he died, Proust’s organs were stolen by Harvard graduate students for use in a study about whether poetic genius is genetic or transmitted by a particular genus of miniature fiddler crabs that live in your brain.
June 21, 2010
@Major English
I want to believe that so hard.