If I mentioned that I spent a large part of my teenage years going through outdated sets of Enclyclopedias my parents brought home from the library when they were being thrown out and cutting out the pictures I liked with an X-acto knife and making collages – would you hold it against me? (A few of those pictures appear here. The scientific images are from a study guide for the Earth Science Regents exam.)
June 15, 2009
If I mentioned that I spent a large part of my teenage years going through outdated sets of Enclyclopedias my parents brought home from the library when they were being thrown out and cutting out the pictures I liked with an X-acto knife and making collages – would you hold it against me? (A few of those pictures appear here. The scientific images are from a study guide for the Earth Science Regents exam.)
June 23, 2009
My dating experience in college lead me to believe that making collages was a (cool) teenage girl rite of passage.
I seem to believe this so much that I felt comfortable pitching this headline to the Onion last April as part of one of my weekly sets:
Local Girl Says Magazine Will Make Good Collage
It did not get in, for a variety of factors I can only guess at (i.e. only anguish over).
June 23, 2009
If this anecdote reads a grandstanding, please be advised: I’ve tied a few on tonight at a local bar.
June 26, 2009
it reminds me of http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=88030
an etsy shop which i have to visit without my credit card because i love those collages so much!
July 3, 2009
…whereas it reminds me of Michael Oatman ( http://www.artnet.com/artwork/424472349/751/michael-oatman-anaximander.html ).
July 5, 2009
Grandstanding would be saying you wrote a published Onion article…
November 19, 2009
I would totally’ve accepted that article as brilliant.