And the funny thing is, even when humans make things binary, the choices they pick are not necessarily opposite. We put them in contrast with each other and assume that they represent different things or even extremes. But often they are only the endpoints of a small spectrum, or even the same thing.
August 11, 2009
*grumble*$#^%* sapir-whorf hypothesis
*mutter*don’t even have any proof one way or the other about it… how COULD you have any proof about it…*gripe*
August 18, 2009
A lot of Cat and Girl content is too deep for me to understand, but I read it anyway in the hope of eventual enlightenment.
October 2, 2009
I like this one a lot.
Also, I like how the final 3 panels start turning into binary.
October 4, 2009
I actually think how binary works is pretty cool…
October 16, 2009
Hehe. I love the binary/not binary joke.
March 28, 2010
I actually use humans’ propensity to think binary to my advantage when i communicate or make presentations to them. Its a great tool
April 4, 2010
And the funny thing is, even when humans make things binary, the choices they pick are not necessarily opposite. We put them in contrast with each other and assume that they represent different things or even extremes. But often they are only the endpoints of a small spectrum, or even the same thing.
April 25, 2010
gotta hand it to her, we’re all
just digits here on the web.
June 20, 2010
I like that the glass is a 1 with 0s in it.
July 8, 2010
Sapir-Whorf … Ugh. What every non-linguist considers to be serious linguistics… FAIL
September 20, 2014
And then there’s the Sapir-Whorf-Dunning-Kruger effect: what language you speak affects how well you think you speak it.