Allergy Season
  • Sev
    June 28, 2012

    Remember when only people afflicted with Coeliac disease cared if something had gluten in it?

  • idkrash
    June 28, 2012

    I can’t find anything on secret peanut wars.

  • JayJayRose
    June 28, 2012

    I found a Peanut Island in Florida, which held a secret fallout shelter for JFK.

  • Roberta Mann
    June 28, 2012

    You can’t find anything on the Secret Peanut Wars because…they were a SECRET!

  • mtdeeley
    June 29, 2012

    Does “Peanut Wars” refer to a time when companies began labelling products “May contain peanuts” because of people with peanut allergies?

  • Kara
    June 29, 2012

    I am now going to start answering the phone with “Long live our crackerjack overlords” at work.

  • Erika
    July 2, 2012

    I’m allergic to the images they keep dumping into our air and water.

    Cat is drinking water contaminated with porn images, hence the XXX.

  • Gareth
    July 6, 2012

    oh no! Cats gone from paint to benadryl… whats next?

  • Golux
    October 20, 2013

    @Sev – Yep, and as one of those cursed with the bad genetics that cause it, the mainstream gluten-free religion is quite embarrassing.

    They can keep the wheat, but they’re going to have to pry the peanut butter jar out of my cold dead hands.

    Just had a sports arena declare itself peanut free.

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