There are now enough uncollected comics for Cat and Girl books Vol. IV and V. But now: do we?* Are books a thing that matters or just another impediment to destroying all physical traces of our life until we can live in a gleaming 10×10 foot cube with a cell phone, two sweaters and a matchbook with deep emotional resonance?** Are books worth making through some POD Createspace type service, which really takes the fun out of a print run but does not add to the years of life I have spent moving around boxes filled with the same book 32 times***?

Is it worth continuing to do something just because a precedent has been set? Or does seeing a project through to completion just mean you didn’t have enough imagination to stop?****

I don’t mind the work. Maybe i should mind the work. Or maybe the work should go into making something new. Consistency is its own kind of death.

I also have a bag filled with blank tee shirts and some iron on letters. We could just do that.


*Enter the solipsism.
**I am pro gleaming cube.

****Been listening to the Cold Cold Hearts on my own long personal slide to cultural irrelevance – how about you?