  • Hokie
    September 12, 2009

    George Carlin defined tennis as “Ping-pong played while standing on the table.”

    “In fact, all racket games are nothing more than derivatives of ping-pong. Even volleyball is technically racketless-team-ping-pong-played-with-an-inflated-ball-and-a-raised-net-while-standing-on-the-table.”

    So, I’m inclined to side with Girl on this one.

  • Loumo
    August 13, 2010

    Course, there are those that claim ping-pong should be called wiff-waff.

  • Owen
    September 7, 2010

    Ping-pong and table tennis are actually slightly different, it involves which side of the table you hit th ball onto.

  • F Button
    September 8, 2010

    ^Oh, you all just got schooled.

  • Tamara
    October 7, 2010

    Actually, Ping-Pong is a proper noun (a table tennis company). The proper term is table tennis.

  • Diggy G.
    November 26, 2012

    Every ball is branded, serve it left-handed
    O.R.P.P.R.B. see the label and demand it
    It can get kinda crazy, you understand it
    It don’t faze me, it’s the just the way that we planned it

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