  • js
    April 16, 2009

    Counterpoint: Unreflective enjoyment is the default position for defenders of sexism in media.

    “I just like tits!”

  • Rory
    April 27, 2009

    It’s also the default position for the owners of cats and dogs.
    “Cats are easier to care for.”
    “Dogs are easier to care about.”

    The seventh panel summarizes my interpretation of the comic (which is/isn’t the intended one). Reflective or not, enjoyment is, so isn’t that enough?

  • David
    December 28, 2009

    Nope, see Counterpoint above. You should make sure you know what you’re supporting, anyway. I guess enjoying something is never a sin but facilitating its continuation for further enjoyment can be.

  • Kool Dawg B
    January 3, 2010

    Is Grrl advocating hedonism?

  • Joshua
    January 28, 2010

    I think too much thought has just gone into the most thoughtless thing man can do: enjoyment. If you enjoy something that is morally wrong, then you ought not enjoy it. If you believe there are no moral right and wrongs, you are either misinformed, idiotic, or self-deceptive.

  • John Robert
    August 15, 2010

    this comic has been enlightening to me not as a commentary to the things I really do enjoy but on the things I only think I enjoy, but I really don’t. For example, if I only enjoy reading Plato because it makes me feel smart, then part of the enjoyment is only an illusion for the temporary emotional relief of not feeling not smart enough by reading Plato, in which being aware of this may bring great relief when the person comes to the revelation “I don’t need this to feel smart or to feel like I’m a person of worth and meaning.” (Though the insecurity doesn’t just vanish with the conclusion, but it’s a step that helps)

  • Loumo
    August 16, 2010

    But don’t all intellectual arguments for liking something come down to either “I just like it”, “I just like the way it makes me feel”, or “I like something that I strongly associate with it”?

    I’m think “I just like tits” isn’t the problem; I think the liking overriding all other concerns is the problem. Go ahead and like ’em, but don’t use that as a reason to stick pictures of ’em everywhere.

  • Ralph
    June 19, 2013

    Maybe it’s the superconscious that is the myth.

  • Seth
    July 29, 2013

    Loumo’s got the right idea. Morals and morality are social constructs. To say something is amoral you are casting a judgement on it, in accordance to the society you live in. Then to say that if you enjoy something thats “wrong” or “bad” you are bad is just as bunk as saying “i don’t like your style, i don’t like you”, except on a more fundamental level.

    While certain actions can be bad for the society you yourself live in, by claming that someone else, who is the only one who would know what society they belong, is doing some damaging action, you are applying your own society and norms onto them.

    Its a snap judgement just as much as “ooo titties” might be, but one would hope you maintain some level of self control and don’t knock off every hat thats not fashionable.

  • A
    January 20, 2014

    See it’s funny because the only reason I’m reading “Cat and Girl” is that I’d like to think of myself as the type of person who reads “Cat and Girl”

  • tony
    August 10, 2017

    I don’t know why I enjoy this comic and I don’t care. I did wonder tho, if you enjoy something morally wrong and it hurts people and you know it is wrong and hurting people and that is why you enjoy it, and not for any moral reasoning, no matter the societal context, is that a definition of evil/immorality?

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