as a knitter, i have to ask a clarifying question: a wool sweater with you name knit into it, or with your name simply ironed on via a laundry tag? actually, the ultimate is to have someone design you an aran fisherman’s sweater with your initials worked into the border, so when you drown at sea your body can be identified. now THAT’s success.
Didn’t Kevin Nealon once say that success was living in a big house and having attractive women he didn’t really know lounging around wearing his shirts?
Success is drinking old milk and not getting sick.
Success is surviving getting hit by a car.
Success is not dying. or dying with more stuff. That is all.
Success is purely defined by the initial goal. What most people are actually talking about is achieving someone else’s goals… or just the goals held by the majority of the individuals within their field of comparison (a field of comparison being comprised of individuals who possess no stark advantages or disadvantages when compared against one another). So success is essentially what happens when you have friends who respect you and your achievements. Kind of a nice outcome considering how much overthinking is involved in reaching it.
Success is totally Waldo – it leaves little bits of itself behind on every page – walking stick, bobble hat, envelopes…, and if you think you’ve found success, you should be looking for Success’s girlfriend and dog, as well.
Meh, success is growing sweet, juicy carrots ‘n cabbage. Potatoes to dig up and bake or chip. A basket of apples off the neighbor’s tree for spiced applesauce. Planting winter veggies. What’s the need to sully it by assciating it with this economic slavery crap?
August 13, 2009
because jobs are for squares
August 13, 2009
Without squares we wouldn’t have circles.
August 13, 2009
without circles, we wouldn’t have vehicular transportation.
August 13, 2009
Without vehicular transportation, we wouldn’t be able to get to work.
August 13, 2009
Without work, we wouldn’t be able to get to vehicular transportation.
August 13, 2009
edit for Skenska:
Without work, we wouldn’t have the notion of success
And without the perverted notion of success, we wouldn’t have this comic
August 13, 2009
a job? I refuse to mark success by my career, I am more than that!(can I borrow a few buck to get home?)
August 13, 2009
as a knitter, i have to ask a clarifying question: a wool sweater with you name knit into it, or with your name simply ironed on via a laundry tag? actually, the ultimate is to have someone design you an aran fisherman’s sweater with your initials worked into the border, so when you drown at sea your body can be identified. now THAT’s success.
August 13, 2009
also: i’m out of money this week, and the first place it’s hit me is in the amount and variety of fruit i’m able to buy. for real.
August 13, 2009
Didn’t Kevin Nealon once say that success was living in a big house and having attractive women he didn’t really know lounging around wearing his shirts?
August 13, 2009
I would like to get me one of those yachts. They sound delicious.
August 13, 2009
sometimes my lack of ambition makes me feel superior to those who boast about their own success.
then i realize, we’re both just arrogant jerks.
but then i take it back, because everyone is just trying to survive. and eat peanut butter and HONEY sandwiches, amirite?!
August 13, 2009
You mean I could buy strawberries even when they’re out of season?
August 13, 2009
You can have all the strawberries you want. Just prick your finger and sign right here. Mwahahahahaha!
August 13, 2009
Success is drinking old milk and not getting sick.
Success is surviving getting hit by a car.
Success is not dying. or dying with more stuff. That is all.
August 15, 2009
success is living without regrets
August 15, 2009
Success is achieving what you need and want while doing what you like.
August 16, 2009
Success is purely defined by the initial goal. What most people are actually talking about is achieving someone else’s goals… or just the goals held by the majority of the individuals within their field of comparison (a field of comparison being comprised of individuals who possess no stark advantages or disadvantages when compared against one another). So success is essentially what happens when you have friends who respect you and your achievements. Kind of a nice outcome considering how much overthinking is involved in reaching it.
August 24, 2009
way to ruin it by being totally reasonable necromacer.
October 16, 2009
Success is less of a Waldo, more of a Carmen SanDiego.
February 15, 2011
Success is totally Waldo – it leaves little bits of itself behind on every page – walking stick, bobble hat, envelopes…, and if you think you’ve found success, you should be looking for Success’s girlfriend and dog, as well.
October 5, 2013
Meh, success is growing sweet, juicy carrots ‘n cabbage. Potatoes to dig up and bake or chip. A basket of apples off the neighbor’s tree for spiced applesauce. Planting winter veggies. What’s the need to sully it by assciating it with this economic slavery crap?
August 21, 2017
” you’re young you’ve got your health, what do you want with a job? that movie! ..I may be paraphrasing