But if we trick ourselves by defining anything slightly-longer-than-short-term as “sustainable”, we can live blissfully unaware of our own insignificance.
Why be a nihilist when you can be a de-ni-al-ist?!
Three cheers for artistry!
By way of example, these posts are more than a year since the previous entry and yet I feel a sense of having contributed meaningfully to a discussion.
Dorothy, thanks for helping us suspend disbelief, with your hilarious and poignant art (even if it is completely insignficant, in a void of purpose).
January 8, 2009
Man, I can’t stand that doctor. He keeps you waiting FOREVER!
January 8, 2009
Please tell me the signature on the diploma in the background is supposed to be a sly reference to the band ELO.
February 10, 2009
reference to choke?
February 18, 2009
i loved that book… and i hate waiting for the doctor… this is esoteric but excellent
February 19, 2009
If I remember High School. . .
Evvery act of creation only hastens total entropy, no?
March 5, 2009
And I once I found out past-ward time travel isn’t really even possible, that’s when I got really confused.
July 2, 2009
she should have known better
September 30, 2009
I love this sentiment. :)
October 16, 2009
Jake’s right, Grrl’s position is great. Thank you for validating my life Dorothy :)
October 26, 2011
Sev is right on; creation hastens entropy.
But if we trick ourselves by defining anything slightly-longer-than-short-term as “sustainable”, we can live blissfully unaware of our own insignificance.
Why be a nihilist when you can be a de-ni-al-ist?!
Three cheers for artistry!
October 26, 2011
By way of example, these posts are more than a year since the previous entry and yet I feel a sense of having contributed meaningfully to a discussion.
Dorothy, thanks for helping us suspend disbelief, with your hilarious and poignant art (even if it is completely insignficant, in a void of purpose).
November 23, 2011
I observe creation. Entropy will eventually purposelessly create everything that can be created; I get to sit back and watch